Millana Snow - The Energy Healer


Millana Snow - The Energy Healer

Practicing and studying all things holistic health & spirituality for over 25 years, Millana has built an energy healing business that serves 1000’s of clients worldwide. Millana is the CEO & Founder of Wellness Official – an online marketplace of practitioners & brands for the global wellness community.

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What is your definition of freedom? What does it look and feel like to you? And how do you cultivate it daily?

I meditate on this often, I am finding that freedom comes from being free in our minds and spirits first. This seems to have any if not infinite layers of what keeps us from being truly free. I seek to be free by unburdening and unraveling myself from the beliefs of my family, lineage, society, gender etc that are not in alignment with my true self... the one that is before and after this body. The closer, I get to that- the more I know I am free.

How have your thoughts, perception, and understanding of freedom evolved with time? What was it before and what is it now?

I used to think that freedom was about being free to move around in the world as I saw fit, to be able to spend money and live the way I wanted to. Then I saw that even those desires and my will to be what I thought was free... were all a subconscious response to my unhealed and unrealized trauma and disillusionment. So even when I was finally able to do/have/be those things I started to realize that I still wasn't free.

Freedom can feel like something we’re all seeking, but may have trouble grasping. What's one piece of advice or some words of wisdom you can offer to this community as they look to "get free"?

Freedom starts from within. As we start to unlearn, heal and relearn and train our minds, bodies and emotions to be in alignment with the true SELF, can we begin to free ourselves. I find that we change from the inside and start to breakout of what we find ourselves in(and what we do about it), in the outside world. I say all this to say, to me, it's all a process of healing ourselves... meeting ourselves beyond what we were trained to know or believe. And that takes time and A LOT of courage... but it pays off.

Share an anecdote, memory, or practice in your life that embodies freedom in every way. 

Seeking freedom is more effective when it comes from a place of inspiration, faith and possibility. Fear can push you to seek freedom, but can we ever really be free if we are still afraid?

Can you speak to the correlation between consciousness and freedom? And how both create this pathway to transcendental transformation in other areas of our lives?

It's everything!! Freedom starts from within, we can only truly be free when we free our minds, spirits and hearts. The worldly forms and physical forms of oppression still affect us and can still cage and oppress us... but only we are the ones who can free our minds, spirits and hearts.

What is one song that helps you get free?

Infinite Universe by Beautiful Chorus

What is one book that has helped you claim your freedom?

Awww man there are so many. Women Who Run with the Wolves by Dr. Clarissa Pinkola Estés 

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