Sara Clark - The Mindful Yogi


Sara Clark - The Mindful Yogi

Sara Clark is an international yoga & mindfulness teacher with a passion for storytelling. 

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What is your definition of freedom? What does it look and feel like to you? And how do you cultivate it daily?

Freedom feels like spaciousness to step fully into my purpose and power unapologetically while having unwavering faith that Spirit and intuition will always light my path. I cultivate freedom daily simply by practicing. Meditation and breath are my best friends as they both bring me into the present moment so I can connect with my inner wisdom and my highest, wisest self. All the answers lie within.

How have your thoughts, perception, and understanding of freedom evolved with time? What was it before and what is it now?

My awareness continues to expand as I grow older. In the past I have felt locked in a cage without a key but I am beginning to realize that I hold the key to unlock the cage. I am in control of how I show up in this lifetime. I am constantly creating my reality with every thought and with every word. So it is no longer about me not being in control of my life, it's about how I want to be in relationship to life. My choice is to vibrate as high as possible. To me that is freedom.

Freedom can feel like something we’re all seeking, but may have trouble grasping. What's one piece of advice or some words of wisdom you can offer to this community as they look to "get free"?

The concept of freedom is both a construct and a reality. Even when physical freedom has been taken away, it is still possible to find freedom within. Through our breath, through movement, mantra, meditation, mindfulness, journaling, positive affirmations, kindness, community...the list goes on, finding freedom can be done from within, no credit card needed. And the more we create freedom in our inner world the greater the possibility it will be to create freedom in our outer world. We first have to personally live freedom, breath freedom, feel freedom, know freedom in order to share it with others which will therefor change the world.

Share an anecdote, memory, or practice in your life that embodies freedom in every way. 

All the desires within you are there for a reason. They are meant to manifest so nurture them!

As an internationally renowned yoga and meditation teacher, how would you say your practices have shaped the way you show up in the world?

My practices have shaped the way I show up in the world simply by understanding that humans are humans and fundamentally we all want the same things such as love, peace and happiness. I teach through this lens knowing that we are connected by our human experience.

What is one song that helps you get free?

Honestly, Solange will always be at the ready for years to come. Her songs are anthems.

What is one book that has helped you claim your freedom?

True Love by Thich Nhat Hanh. It's such a simple yet transformative book about mindfulness.

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