Claim Your Divine Reality with Millana Snow


Claim Your Divine Reality with Millana Snow

The life you desire is already yours, but do you trust that you can create it? With encouragement from the one and only Millana Snow, we’re confident your perspective will be changed forever. Millana Snow is an energy healer, an ever-evolving spirit, and fully focused on healing through expanded consciousness in our everyday lives. Most recently, she founded Wellness Official, an online marketplace of practitioners & brands focused on democratizing wellness for all. In this episode, Millana breaks down energy healing, the law of attraction, tangible practices, and so much more to help us forge the path to creating a truly divine reality. Black Girl In Om Founder, Lauren Ash, Art Director, Deun Ivory, and members of the Wellspring audience received this healing, affirming conversation in person and we’re so thrilled to bring it to you today. Feel empowered to make your wildest dreams as tangible as the reality you live in today. You deserve it, love.


  • How Millana and Lauren initially came together — major thanks to our forever fave, Janice Bonds

  • Millana’s unique, beautiful, twenty-year path to the work she’s doing today

  • The basics behind the law of attraction (a concept we’ve touched on before) and how it’s shown up in Millana’s life

  • A trifecta of practices that can support your journey to trusting in self (one may give you a little deja vu)

  • The important role friendship can play in your journey to your higher self

  • Thoughts on unplugging, intentional boundaries, and mindful prioritizing of presence

  • Easeful practices you can use as daily meditations outside of what’s often present in “pop culture wellness” 

  • What drew Millana to becoming a practitioner and how it completely changed her life

  • A quick overview of reiki + energy healing — dive into this conversation for another incredible perspective from our love, Liana Naima

  • A major lesson Milllana received through her personal spiritual practice and the healer that consistently inspires her work

  • Some more incredible questions from y’all — submit any additional ones you may have to us at and we may answer it on an upcoming episode

Quotes From The Episode:

“I’m a woman who’s becoming and who’s consciously, actively engaged in that process.” — @MillanaSnow | click to tweet

“Conscious creation and manifestation is part of my everyday practice through what is known as the law of attraction.” — @MillanaSnow | click to tweet

“What have I continued to repeat over and over and over again that is now very evident in the space and environment around me?” — @MillanaSnow | click to tweet

“This is still stuff that I have to practice. Every day. No matter how crazy this stuff has worked for me. Because I’m human and we all are and that’s what makes us all so beautiful.” — @MillanaSnow | click to tweet

“If you know that you’re the winner, you don’t need to compete.” — @MillanaSnow | click to tweet

“Really sitting in gratitude for everything as it is and as it’s becoming is so, so powerful.” — @MillanaSnow | click to tweet

“Holding yourself accountable in relationships and not blaming other people or faulting other people is a working practice.” — @deunivory | click to tweet

“Deciding to cultivate mindful presence without the meditation practice is honoring your energy rather than being dogmatic about it.” — @HelloLaurenAsh | click to tweet

“If I feel confused, let me sit with that and see how I can move through that because I know that’s a vibration that’s not necessary. Because at the end of the day, I know that the answers are always available to me.” — @MillanaSnow | click to tweet

“Knowing is a feeling, knowing is a vibrational experience. When you know, you can feel it in your body.” — @MillanaSnow | click to tweet

“Do you want to believe that thought? Do you want that thought to be real? Because you can resonate in that thought until you believe it and then know it.” — @MillanaSnow | click to tweet

“Whenever I have a Plan B, my Plan A never comes into fruition. You have to have faith.” — @deunivory | click to tweet

“The vision that you have is Divine. That’s the only option.” — @HelloLaurenAsh | click to tweet

“Be completely open to the many different ways that things can be expressed. Open up.” — @MillanaSnow | click to tweet