Explore, Examine, and Enrich: Reset Your Relationships with Nkechi Njaka


Explore, Examine, and Enrich: Reset Your Relationships with Nkechi Njaka

Who are you in your relationships? In this episode, Black Girl In Om Founder Lauren Ash and Art Director Deun Ivory are sitting down with the most mindful neuroscientist we know, the incredible Nkechi Njaka, to dive into this question in a major way. Given her status as a longtime, frequent, and beloved contributor to our online publication, consider this a continuation of all the things she’s brought to this community over the years. 

If you’ve been seeking relationships that leave you feeling fulfilled, this episode is for you. If you’ve been actively avoiding intimacy with the people in your life, this episode is for you. If there’s a friend you’re ready to dig beyond the surface with, this episode is for you. If you’re wondering why you’re single or pondering your status in partnership, this episode is for you. Essentially, if you’re a human being and you’ve ever interacted with another human being, this episode is for you. 

With this episode as the catalyst, you can take all your relationships to the next level, including the most important one: your relationship with yourself. 


  • The episode you deeeefinitely want to listen to before this one — think of it like the official prequel

  • A shout out to a collective experience Deun, Lauren, and Nkechi shared in 2018.

  • Finding the route to mindfulness in all places, relationships, and spaces, including those that aren’t exactly aligned with where you are in your mindful journey

  • Where Nkechi’s journey to mindfulness in relationships began and took root [moved to SF after breaking up, How to Be An Adult In Relationships by David Ricco mentioned for her ex]

  • A book that really opened Nkechi’s eyes to the type of person she wishes to be and the quote that made her be incredibly honest with herself (click to tweet with quote: “A relationship can not be expected to fulfill our needs. It only shows them to us and makes a modest contribution to their fulfillment.”)

  • Important questions that Nkechi grappled with that you can ask yourself today

  • A lesson Deun is learning on interdependence vs. independence, catalyzed by this timely read

  • A pattern Nkechi was able to uncover that completely relates to this season’s conversation on acting in alignment with your intentions

  • Intentional steps and practices that help us unpack and understand how we are showing up in relationships

  • Some of the friendships present in the lives of these ladies + the lessons these relationships have brought to them

  • An on-air, friendship-rooted revelation between Lauren, Deun, and Nkechi

  • How to take an active role in your relationships

  • Ways to connect with Nkechi both in-person and via her plethora of digital offerings

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