Dive into the Mystery Heart First with Mariam Mouna


Dive into the Mystery Heart First with Mariam Mouna

Mariam Mouna Guessous, Founder of I See You Wellness, is giving us the real life hacks—an Ikea Pinterest board could never.

Join Lauren Ash, Black Girl In Om Founder, as she talks all things adventure with Mariam. Learn how to say yes to your soul-self by diving into the mystery when you follow your heart. Mar shares her story of breaking out of a corporate box as an NYC award-winning advertiser who said “f*ck it” to answer the calling to be herself. To be, that is our only mission.

Mar explains our inherent power to create a reality without the wait that a linear way of living has convinced us is necessary. When it comes to timeline work and working in the quantum field, now is the hack. There is no traditional finish line, what you desire is accessible in this moment.

Listen to the mission she challenges us with: be you, right now.

This is such a fun and fascinating conversation that will inspire you to find the wisdom, insights and magic in the present. Don’t you want to do what feels delicious? Tune in and take a bite.

In this episode you'll hear more about:

  • The journey of Mariam, founder of I See You Wellness

  • Recording during a full moon in Pisces. Intuition is heightened, a beautiful moment of opening. Flow.

  • In every single moment there are multiple versions of ourselves existing and powerfully tap into, jump timelines, and we have a radical choice in doing this.

  • We are moving from a linear way of living life and we are moving into our multidimensionality.

  • Transcending the physical, the material.

  • Turn life into an adventure by surrendering to what spirit and your highest self have for you, greater than what you can imagine.

  • “Life Visioning” Rev Michael Beckwith

  • Awakening among black women and woc around the world to tap into their soul-self. How can I say yes to my spiritual gifts?

  • Advertising creative in the corporate space in NYC. After achieving many milestones in the industry, wasn’t fulfilled. Had to go deeper.

  • Came into a fork in the road, a split decision. Continue in career, acknowledging that I need this job to exist in this world or dive into the mystery.

  • Spiritual awakening in Puerto Rico. 180-shift.

  • Everyone has a role, you are not alone. Guides in the spiritual realm help lead you.

  • You chose to shed the conditioned you in favor of higher self supporting you in your destiny, that is what is generating all of this phenomenal possibility around you.

  • Doing things doesn’t come from “I have to do…”, it comes from this is the most delicious way that I can be of service to my community. It nourishes me and nourishes everyone around me. This is in alignment to where we’re going as a collective.