Creating Space To Expand: A Conversation with Karlene Graham Perry


Creating Space To Expand: A Conversation with Karlene Graham Perry

Karlene Graham Perry is the founder and executive director of NUEVOLVE. She leads manifestation retreats and workshops in places like Bali and Peru, teaching women how to create ManifestAction Plans otherwise known as MAPs. These MAPs offer clarity around the pruning and planting needed to allow the seeds of your dreams to expand to abundant fruition in each area of your life.

If what we’ve described sounds like exactly what you need to receive, Karlene and her team are crafting a divine experience to help you manifest your dreams into reality. With The 20/20 Vision Retreat + ManifestAction Mastermind, start your year and decade with clarity + community as you create plans for greater freedom in every area of your life.

In this episode, Karlene speaks on the power of manifestAction, how her definition of love has evolved over the years, how you can join the beautiful experiences she creates, and so much more. We hope this conversation, continued from the DC stop of The Black Girl In Om Expansion Tour, encourages you to step into 2020 knowing you are always unconditionally Loved and supported.

Get the full show notes, quotes to tweet, and more here and join us on Patreon for exclusive podcast updates (and the first part of this phenomenal conversation) today!