Creating Space to Expand: A Live Conversation with Alexandria Eregbu


Creating Space to Expand: A Live Conversation with Alexandria Eregbu

Alexandria Eregbu is a visual artist and arts practitioner. On a fundamental level, Alexandria believes that the impact of art is strengthened by shared values within community. As such, she is most dedicated to providing services that promote empowerment and advocacy for artists and communities engaging the arts. Her early background and interest in the purpose of art and communities was initially fostered through her involvement as Lead Teaching Artist and Co-Founder of the community curatorial project TRACE: Teens Reimagining Art, Community, and Environment.

As an artist, Alexandria’s multi-vocational practice has received generous support from The Propeller Fund, Chicago Arts Coalition, The Department of Cultural Affairs and Special Events Chicago, The University of Chicago’s Arts + Public Life, Independent Curators International, The Joyce Foundation, and 3Arts. She received her BFA in Performance and Fiber & Material Studies and is a current MA Candidate in Visual and Critical Studies, both at The School of The Art Institute of Chicago. She recently held the position as curator for Illinois Humanities’ city-wide initiative, Envisioning Justice. It examined how incarceration affects Chicago communities and interrogated the failures of our criminal justice system while presenting plans towards self-empowerment and communal liberation. She has several previous curatorial projects and you should check them all out on her platforms.

In short, Alexandria is a showstopper, y’all.

Her wondrous personality and dedication to authentic expression of self pours through in this episode. Live from our origin city, Alexandria guides us through finding home outside of just people and places, flowing with our internal rhythm, and creating what we need for ourselves. Enjoy as we dive deep into this nourishing conversation for the soul with Alexandria from the Chicago stop of The Black Girl In Om Expansion Tour.

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Quotes From The Episode:

"One thing I’m trying to be more mindful of is my flow and my own sense of internal rhythm, because once we master that it really allows the world to not just be a world anymore but expand into a Universe where I’m able to exercise the many facets of myself." — @findingijeoma | click to tweet

"Nothing can create what you need for you, you have to do that for yourself." — @findingijeoma | click to tweet

“Where my relationships really started to expand with other Black women was the moment where I really decided to start exercising the right to simply express and create for myself and not shying away from sharing those things with other people.” — @findingijeoma | click to tweet

“I’ve realized that I’m able to find home in a lot of different things. It’s not just people, it’s not just a place. You can find home in an object.” — @findingijeoma | click to tweet

“Artists are supposed to tell the truth, regardless of what that is. If I’m not telling the truth, that’s a disservice to not only me, but the actual purpose and function of what it is that my work is supposed to do in the world.” — @findingijeoma | click to tweet

“I’ve learned to be a lot more diligent about writing my dreams down in addition to speaking them and sharing them with other people to better interpret and tell better stories with my work.” — @findingijeoma | click to tweet

“Dancing, singing. and those things that really make my spirit soar is a huge part of my intuitive and divine guidance.” — @findingijeoma | click to tweet

“Your intuitive discernment can be sharpened the more that you open yourself up to talking with friends of yours who are also in the same vibration as you.” — @HelloLaurenAsh | click to tweet

“If I know anything it’s that I know nothing at all.” — @findingijeoma | click to tweet

“I am someone who tries my best to always commit to love rather than fear.” — @HelloLaurenAsh | click to tweet