Diving Deeper Into Our Ancestral Lineages and Practices with PariseNichelle


Diving Deeper Into Our Ancestral Lineages and Practices with PariseNichelle

PariseNichelle (she/her) or Iya Shango Didi as she is also lovingly called, joins BGIO founder Lauren Ash (she/they) in conversation around connecting with our highest selves by diving deeper into our ancestral lineages and practices. Parise is an initiated priestess, medium, diviner, and healer. For over 15 years, she has used her gifts to help women of color heal trauma and align to their highest selves. As the founder of Do The Healing Work, she offers services designed to tap into all aspects of life. She combines western therapy practices with Traditional West African spiritual practices to heal generational traumas and aid in self healing and mastery. Utilizing her gift of clairaudience, Iya delivers guidance straight from the wisdom of the ancestors.  

In this episode of the Black Girl In Om Podcast, Lauren and PariseNichelle get into how sometimes we can feel a profound understanding within ourselves before we have the language or community around us to affirm that inner knowing. They encourage us to move beyond obligation and fear in our spiritual practice by giving ourselves permission to go internal and explore what’s most resonant for us. Parise affirms that our highest self is always communicating with us, and that it’s on us to hear and follow their call. Press play to dive deep. Ashe!  


  • The Yoruba concept of Iponri

  • How PariseNichelle describes her highest self

  • Communicating with our highest selves

  • How Lauren is learning to be their own reflection

  • Traditions from across the Diaspora that are a part of our cultural birthright as Black women and as Black people

  • How our sensitivity and stillness connect us to the divine

  • Unlearning limiting beliefs around spirituality and lifestyle

  • Iyami Aje or ancient mother energy

Stick around after the conversation with Parise to hear a special Q&A with Cree Myles (she/her) from Penguin Random House all about the magic of reading and amplifying books written by Black authors. For recommendations of books that honor the rich breadth of Black experiences, head over to bit.ly/amplifyblackstories and follow Penguin Random House’s All Ways Black page on Instagram @allwaysblack

If you’re interested in connecting with your ancestors and stepping into further alignment with your highest self, you can schedule an ancestral reading or a spiritual DNA reading with PariseNichelle and sign up for her Power Tools Course mentioned in the episode at DoTheHealingWork.com  

Keep up with Parise on Instagram @dothehealingwork

and on Facebook @dothehealingwork

If you’re interested in offering support to BGIO’s first physical space, home, or want to find out more, head over to blackgirlinom.com/home-by-bgio

Quotes From The Episode:

“It is imperative to always be both a student and a teacher.” - @dothehealingwork | Click To Tweet

“There’s healing work that you can do to allow for your highest self to really be in communication with you and be guiding you.” - @hellolaurenash | Click To Tweet

“Our Iponri is our highest self. Some people refer to it as our spiritual twin. That is the part of us, our spiritual self, that never leaves heaven.” - @dothehealingwork | Click To Tweet

“We come here to get certain lessons, tools, and experiences that elevate the collective consciousness, the ancestral consciousness, and our own iponri and consciousness.” - @dothehealingwork | Click To Tweet

“Our highest self is always and consistently communicating with us. Now, the question is, do we hear it? The question is, do we recognize it? The biggest question is, are we following it?” - @dothehealingwork | Click To Tweet

“You can not see your reflection in boiling water.” - @dothehealingwork | Click To Tweet

“There’s so much that we have to unlearn around spirituality and our very own cultural and spiritual traditions that we’ve been cut off from. Many of the traditions are just literally pulsing through our veins asking for us to pay attention.” - @hellolaurenash | Click To Tweet

“Go internal. You are an Orisha. Your consciousness is a selected head. It is literally an Orisha in the flesh. You are. You have the ability to create.”  - @dothehealingwork | Click To Tweet

“You cannot connect to anything until you have fully connected to yourself.” - @dothehealingwork | Click To Tweet

“Our ancestors have left us all these tools and resources to use. It’s a matter of learning to use them and actually using them.” - @dothehealingwork | Click To Tweet